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Armando Carnevale is a designer from Lugano. He is the founder of Studio ArCa

and is currently the technical manager

of Carnevale SA, the family business.


After completing the education as a 

draftsman in architecture he decided to

study Industrial Design, by specializing in Product Design. Over the years, thanks to Internships and projects, he has acquired specific expertise in the fields of Furniture

and Automotive Design. Furthermore, in relation to the Civil Protection service, he has become a Specialist in the Protection

of Cultural Heritage. He also worked for years at Camponovo Architects Studio.


Studio ArCa is born in 2019 from a very

strong desire to combine in daily work independence and passion. The attention spent on customers' needs and to the

details ensures high-quality results.


Thanks to various skills acquired over

the years and to the collaborations with

companies and professionals active in the fields of Industrial Design and architecture, Studio ArCa can offers Design, Technical & Commercial Consulting, as well as product engineering and ergonomics analysis.


Furthermore, the Studio deals with 3D

Modelling, Rapid Prototyping, Rendering

and Photo Insertions service, Product

Packaging development and Graphic.

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